{ "promopdp": { "heading": "What is the Inflation Reduction Act?", "notice": "Medicare members now pay $35/month for insulin—and that’s just the start. Read more about how the IRA may help you.", "confirmation": true, "label": "Read the blog", "url":"https://www.centerwellpharmacy.com/articles/inflation-reduction-act.html", "icon": "TeleVisitIcon" }, "promomapd": { "heading": "What is the Inflation Reduction Act?", "notice": "Medicare members now pay $35/month for insulin—and that’s just the start. Read more about how the IRA may help you.", "confirmation": true, "label": "Read the blog", "url":"https://www.centerwellpharmacy.com/articles/inflation-reduction-act.html", "icon": "TeleVisitIcon" } }