Healthy living

A couple at the gym doing pushups
Osteoporosis is usually a concern for older adults, but there are things you can start doing at any age to lower your risk. Check out these tips to help keep your bones strong.

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Seniors socializing outdoors
A healthy lifestyle does not happen overnight. It takes time and effort to age gracefully. Learn more from CenterWell Pharmacy.
group stretching
Many people deal with stress every day, but there are ways to manage it. Learn some ways to lower your stress from CenterWell Pharmacy®.
A woman sitting outside on her porch
Seasonal affective disorder usually happens around the same time every year when the seasons change. Learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatments from CenterWell Pharmacy.
a woman who just got her flu shot
There are many good reasons to get a flu shot (and get it early), but one of the best is to help protect your loved ones. Find out more about the importance of getting a flu shot.
A man putting on sunscreen to protect himself from skin cancer
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. Learn about the 3 types of skin cancer and how to protect yourself.